Posts tagged Poems
Everything Broken


I look around at everything broken

And whisper, “I’m broken too.”

I look around at everyone shattered

And try to fix them with glue


I want to find the biggest bleeding hearts in the room

And go with them to pass out band-aids

I want to love people offensively,

Without pretense or pride

But I keep tripping over my own chaos

I keep trying to hide


Turns out band-aids can't cure cancer

Or heal battle wounds


All this time I’ve been waiting

I’ve been waiting to be set free

And along comes God,

Infinitely bigger and better than me


I hold out my hands,

Expecting to be punished,

Expecting to be hurt

But instead He offers His own hands,

Perfectly pierced, perfectly torn

Jesus looks at me and utters,

“Don’t worry. You are already reborn.”


I try to argue with Him

Because I don’t understand

Why would He offer me

Those perfect, holy hands?

I try to tell Him I’m not deserving

And this might be a waste

But He turns to me and beckons,

“Trust me. This is mercy. This is grace.”



-Alex Fly

Alex FlySeeking, PoemsComment